Area Rugs

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Area rug cleaning

Few places offer to clean your area rugs, even fewer have the skills to do it well. Trust your area rugs to the experts to get you the best results in a timely manner. We also pride ourselves on a fast turnover so you won’t find yourself waiting long periods of time to get your rugs back. Our methods range from a simple top sided cleaning, to double sided extraction to complete product submersion for heavily contaminated rugs. Just let us know what you need. You can drop off your rugs, or for a small fee we can pick up and deliver within a local range of the shop. There is a maximum size of 9x12 for rugs brought to the shop, but larger rugs we can still do a general steam cleaning at your home right where they lay.


Pickup and delivery

For a small fee, we can pick up and deliver your rugs. Installation at your home may be extra, or in some cases not doable by us. (moving heavy furniture etc) This service is offered within a reasonable range of the shop and priced based on distance.